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Monday, September 26, 2011

Dealing with Injury

So, one month out from the Tough Mudder, and not only am I NOT at the half way point for my weight loss, I'm actually dealing with an injury. I'm having right hip and knee pain, apparently associated with my ITB.

Not. Fun. At. All.

It's hard to describe the type of pain that I experience when it kicks in, but let's just say I cannot run on it. After about 3/4s of a mile, the pain starts, and it gradually worsens until I have to stop running. I can keep walking, but it is painful.

So I've come up with a simple, two-step for dealing with injury.

1) Come up with a plan to fix it.
2) Do that plan.

Unfortunately, neither step is really that simple. We'll see how it goes.


  1. Congrats on your changes thus far! How are things going with the IT band issue? Have you incorporated a foam roller to work on that? Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks Keith! Things are getting better with the IT band. I've been stretching, resting, and icing it and it has improved. Everyone is praising the foam roller, but I haven't gotten around to getting one yet. Do you recommend it as well?

    Thanks again!
