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Christmas 2009
We've all met "those guys" or "those girls".  The people that seem naturally fit, eat anything they want and never gain a pound.  Well, that's not me.

I spent the first 41 years of my life some degree of overweight and out of shape.  Every time I stayed up late and saw an infommercial about "The Ultimate Diet", "The Ultimate Workout Machine", or "The Ultimate Weight Loss Program", I determined that tomorrow would be the day that I started to get into shape.  Of course, that never happened.

Then in the summer of 2010, I decided it was now or never.  I was over 375 pounds, my life was slipping me by, and I knew that if something didn't change, I would either die early, or become so sedentary that I wouldn't be able to really live the years I had left.
Freight Train 5 Miler

I took the most basic things I knew about exercise, coupled them with the simplest diet changes, and applied them, one meal at a time, one workout at a time, to my life. At the time I'm writing this, I've lost 125 130 135 140 lbs, and I'm in the best shape of my life.  I've run several 5K races, a 5 mile race, a 10K race, and I'm scheduled to run a 15K next week.  In April of 2011, I hosted my own 5K race, hopefully the first of many, benefiting the American Cancer Society.  

My life is forever changed, and it's my goal to help others do the same.