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Friday, September 30, 2011

Too Busy to be Active? - Podcast Episode #14

Feel like you meet yourself coming and going? Are you one of the few people that really is too busy to schedule a workout? This week the guys discuss some practical ways to add a little activity to your life.  Just click HERE to get it!

In the news:
MSNBC Article: 'White' fruits, veggies take a bite out of stroke risk

Eat less tip:
Don't wait until the winter to try soups!  They can be filling AND good for you.

Exercise more tip:
"Run tomorrow." - Norman Sandridge
It doesn't mean procrastinate, it means that when you first start exercising, don't do so much you don't want to do it again.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dealing with Injury

So, one month out from the Tough Mudder, and not only am I NOT at the half way point for my weight loss, I'm actually dealing with an injury. I'm having right hip and knee pain, apparently associated with my ITB.

Not. Fun. At. All.

It's hard to describe the type of pain that I experience when it kicks in, but let's just say I cannot run on it. After about 3/4s of a mile, the pain starts, and it gradually worsens until I have to stop running. I can keep walking, but it is painful.

So I've come up with a simple, two-step for dealing with injury.

1) Come up with a plan to fix it.
2) Do that plan.

Unfortunately, neither step is really that simple. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fitness by the Numbers - Podcast Episode #13

Fitness by the Numbers! What does that mean?

 Do you know your average blood pressure? How about your latest lipid panel results? Hemoglobin A1c? Also, what's your "BMI"? And should you even care? The guys discuss risk factors, hidden dangers, and more! Just click HERE to get it!

In the news:
New York Times article: Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Cause

Eat less tip:
Replace your "white foods" - white potatoes, rice, and bread - with wheat or whole grain

Exercise More Tip:
Fuel yourself after a workout

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sleep Fitness - Podcast Episode #12

This week, the guys are joined by Dr. Scott Leibowitz, a sleep specialist with the Piedmont Heart Institute. If you are overweight, you don't want to miss this one! Hear how obesity, sleep disorders, heart disease, diabetes and more, are all tied together. I'm not overstating it when I say this podcast could change your life! Just click HERE to get it!

In the news:
Science Daily article: Fidgeting Your Way to Fitness

Eat less tip:
Try a new - and healthy - food.

Exercise more tip:
Try a free trial gym membership with a friend.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

So I Just Tell Myself...

I'll be honest. Sometimes I'm not motivated to exercise. I just don't want to do it. In the past 15 months or so that I've been exercising, it happens more than often than I'd like. When it does, I just go back to the basic tenet of 1 Meal - 1 Workout:

Anybody can eat healthy for one meal. Anyone can workout one time.

So I just tell myself, "I can do one workout. In an hour, this will be behind me. I'll be done."

Then...I go do it.

Next time you don't feel motivated to get active, try it. You might surprise yourself.

If it doesn't work, call me...and I'll yet at you like a drill sergeant. Hey! Different things work for different people.

Friday, September 9, 2011

One Man's Journey through Gastric Bypass - Podcast Episode #11

Today, the guys are joined by Mike Sherrill.  Hear the story of how he came to the decision to have gastric bypass surgery, how it changed his life, and what his life is like now, post-surgery.  You may be surprised by some of the answers! Click HERE for the podcast!

In the news:
A new children's book called: Maggie Goes on a Diet

Friday, September 2, 2011

HCG Diet - Podcast Episode #10

Today, the guys are joined by Dr. Steven Lenhard, MD and Cindi Haga of Piedmont Physicians in Marietta, Georgia, to discuss the facts about the HCG Diet. What it really is, how it really works, and is it something for you?  Click HERE for the podcast!

In the news:
New York Times article:  McDonalds Trims Happy Meal

Eat less tip:
Don't starve yourself.

Exercise more tip:
If you're dreading your workout, ask yourself, "Why?"