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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Getting Started - Podcast Episode #5

Are you a person that's been overweight, out of shape, or unhealthy for years?  All your life?  Maybe you've tried to start different diet and exercise plans only to be overwhelmed by all the changes. This week, Aaron and Don (and Mark) are tackling that toughest of topics:  how to get started!  Hear their thoughts and ideas on how to take those crucial first steps.  Maybe it's not as tough as you thought. Click HERE for the podcast!


Friday, July 22, 2011

The Diet Plateau - Podcast Episode #4

Hey everyone!

Episode #4 of the "1 Meal - 1 Workout" podcast is out!

Aaron and Mark had such a good time last week with Don Sullivan, they
invited him back! This week, Aaron, Mark and Don talk about the myths
and realities surrounding the dreaded "diet plateau". How to beat it,
and then when you're ready, how to meet it!

Just click HERE to check it out!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Road ID - You NEED One!

Are you familiar with Road ID?  If your activity of choice includes running, walking, biking, rock climbing, or hiking, you should be.  Basically, if you ever go outside to be active, you need a Road ID.

A Road ID is one of several types of bracelets, shoe pouches, etc. that contain your emergency contact information.  I could go into more detail, but their website does it much better.

I usually run in the evening around 8:00 PM. In the winter months, it's pitch black even when I start.  I realized one day that if anything were to happen to me, by the time my wife was worried enough to get our 5 year-old son out of bed and come looking for me, there's a good chance I might already be on the way to the emergency room.  Without an identification.  I don't carry my wallet or write my name in my underwear.  I do have my phone, but there's no telling where it might end up in the event of an accident.

So I wear a Road ID.  I have the basic wrist band. It has my name, age, emergency contact info, and basic medical history.  The little white stitching around the edges is also highly reflective.

If you are one of those outdoor active types, then you ABSOLUTELY need one.  But think about it for a minute.  What if you go to the gym?  Do you have any ID on you when you work out?  What if something crazy happens and you fly off the treadmill and whack your head?  Will anyone know who to call? To be honest, I've thought about wearing mine ALL the time.

Lastly, I'm a "Road ID Affiliate"!  If you click on the icon below to access their site and order something, I get a small commission.  How cool is that? You can also click on the Road ID logo on the website to access my affiliate link.

Be safe out there!

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's Just Like Riding a Bicycle

Actually, it's not just LIKE riding a bicycle. It IS riding a bicycle.

Today I went for my first real bike ride since I loaned my 10 speed to my college roommate and he didn't chain it up when he got back to the dorm and someone stole it. (Yes, that was a run-on sentence.) That would have been 1991 or so. Just 20 years.

First of all, I, of course, still remembered how to ride. However, my 10 speed from college didn't really shift gears that well, so I never shifted gears. It was more of a 1.0 speed.  My new bike has 24 gears! An 8 speed shifter on the the rear wheel and a 3 speed shifter on the pedal sprocket. It only took me 5 minutes to throw the chain the first time by changing gears and not pedaling.

Second of all, you might think that since running and biking both use your legs, that strength and conditioning in one would translate to the other. Nope. I went a short (6+ mile) ride around the neighborhood. I could feel it in my thighs in the first mile.

I'm really looking forward to doing some cross-training. There's a couple of duathlons that I've got my eye on for next year.

And, getting a bike gets me one step closer to my first triathlon. Wahoo!

Friday, July 15, 2011

No, Not THAT Don Sullivan - Podcast Episode #3

Hey everyone!

Episode #3 of the "1 Meal - 1 Workout" podcast is out!

Meet Jennifer, the first "Test Pilot" in the 1 Meal - 1 Workout
program, as well Don Sullivan, 100+ lbs into a fitness journey of his
own. Hear their stories, battles, successes, and insights. Let's
learn to Eat Less and Exercise More together!

Just click HERE to check it out!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Getting Fit and Meaning It - Podcast Episode #2

Hey everyone!

Episode #2 of the "1 Meal - 1 Workout" podcast came out yesterday. My guest Adam Brown, the "Everyman Fitness Guru", and I, discuss Adam's commitment to a healthy lifestyle, what it has taken for him to stick to it, and how to apply some of the things he's learned to your own life. If you're an "average Joe" or "average Jane" and seem to have trouble making those lifestyle changes stick, this is the episode for you.

Just click HERE to check it out!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Set Yourself Up for Success

"Set yourself up for success."

I tell myself that quite often. It helps me remember that simple choices I make now impact how successful I am in the future. A perfect example is hamburgers.

I LOVE hamburgers. Still. To this day. Even though I know that a big, fatty burger isn't good for me. I cannot order a regular size burger and eat half.  That will never happen.  In fact, if Nathanael gets a kid's meal and doesn't finish his burger, I'll still finish it for him...but I digress. Because I know that I love hamburgers (and if I have the opportunity I will eat more hamburger than I should) when we go to a "burger joint", I order the smallest hamburger they have. That way, when I eat it all, which I will do, I haven't done terrible things to myself.

My point is simple and I'll try to get to it. If you know you have a weakness for a particular food, set some parameters in your mind and then stay within those parameters to limit the damage.  If it's ice cream, set a limit of 1 scoop.  If it's french fries, limit yourself to a small.

I think it's unrealistic (and unnecessary) to eliminate the foods that we love from our diet.  But we can set the rules and make the food play by them. That's how you set yourself up for success.

Let me know what you think. Comments (both positive and negative) are always welcome. Now, go.  Eat...and be active!

Monday, July 4, 2011

2011 Peachtree Road Race!

Today was the 2011 Peachtree Road Race. If you're not into running and/or you're not from Atlanta, you may not be familiar with the Peachtree. It's one of the largest races in the world. Today, 60,000 people hit the streets of Atlanta. My wife and I were two of those 60K.

I decided to do a mini-documentary...a docu-mini-tary if you will...about the event.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

In Case You Missed It! - Podcast Episode #1

In case you missed the big news, our first 1M1W podcast came out on Friday, July 1st.  Very exciting times for us here at "1M1W Central". 

In episode #1 you'll meet me (if you haven't already) and my show's producer, Mark Cockrell.  You'll get a chance to hear a little more in-depth about where I've been, where I am, and where I'm heading in regards to foot, fitness, and living a healthy, active life!

If you are interested in downloading, streaming, or subscribing, all of those options are available to you! Click on the Element Opie Productions logo below. That's where you'll find all the podcast related 1M1W stuff.

I'd love to have you as a subscriber from the very beginning!  Pass the word!