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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Set Yourself Up for Success

"Set yourself up for success."

I tell myself that quite often. It helps me remember that simple choices I make now impact how successful I am in the future. A perfect example is hamburgers.

I LOVE hamburgers. Still. To this day. Even though I know that a big, fatty burger isn't good for me. I cannot order a regular size burger and eat half.  That will never happen.  In fact, if Nathanael gets a kid's meal and doesn't finish his burger, I'll still finish it for him...but I digress. Because I know that I love hamburgers (and if I have the opportunity I will eat more hamburger than I should) when we go to a "burger joint", I order the smallest hamburger they have. That way, when I eat it all, which I will do, I haven't done terrible things to myself.

My point is simple and I'll try to get to it. If you know you have a weakness for a particular food, set some parameters in your mind and then stay within those parameters to limit the damage.  If it's ice cream, set a limit of 1 scoop.  If it's french fries, limit yourself to a small.

I think it's unrealistic (and unnecessary) to eliminate the foods that we love from our diet.  But we can set the rules and make the food play by them. That's how you set yourself up for success.

Let me know what you think. Comments (both positive and negative) are always welcome. Now, go.  Eat...and be active!

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