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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Road ID - You NEED One!

Are you familiar with Road ID?  If your activity of choice includes running, walking, biking, rock climbing, or hiking, you should be.  Basically, if you ever go outside to be active, you need a Road ID.

A Road ID is one of several types of bracelets, shoe pouches, etc. that contain your emergency contact information.  I could go into more detail, but their website does it much better.

I usually run in the evening around 8:00 PM. In the winter months, it's pitch black even when I start.  I realized one day that if anything were to happen to me, by the time my wife was worried enough to get our 5 year-old son out of bed and come looking for me, there's a good chance I might already be on the way to the emergency room.  Without an identification.  I don't carry my wallet or write my name in my underwear.  I do have my phone, but there's no telling where it might end up in the event of an accident.

So I wear a Road ID.  I have the basic wrist band. It has my name, age, emergency contact info, and basic medical history.  The little white stitching around the edges is also highly reflective.

If you are one of those outdoor active types, then you ABSOLUTELY need one.  But think about it for a minute.  What if you go to the gym?  Do you have any ID on you when you work out?  What if something crazy happens and you fly off the treadmill and whack your head?  Will anyone know who to call? To be honest, I've thought about wearing mine ALL the time.

Lastly, I'm a "Road ID Affiliate"!  If you click on the icon below to access their site and order something, I get a small commission.  How cool is that? You can also click on the Road ID logo on the website to access my affiliate link.

Be safe out there!

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